
  • ARIA, C., VANNIER, J., PARK, T-Y., GAINES, R.R. 2023. Interpreting fossilized nervous systems, BioEssays.
  • ARIA, C., JOUAULT, C., PERRICHOT, V., NEL, A. 2023. The rare ant genus Gesomyrmex (Formicidae: Formicinae), palaeoindicator of wide latitudinal biome homogeneity during the PETM, Geological Magazine.
  • CHAI, S., ARIA, C., HUA, H. 2022. A stem-group Codium alga from the latest Ediacaran of South China provides taxonomic insight into the early diversification of the plant kingdom, BMC Biology, 20, 199(2022).
  • ARIA, C. 2022. The origin and early evolution of arthropods. Biological Reviews. Early online publication,
  • WANG, D., VANNIER, J., ARIA, C., SUN, J., HAN, J. 2021. Tube-dwelling in early animals exemplified by Cambrian scalidophoran worms. BMC Biology 19: 243.
  • ARIA, C. 2021. The origin and early evolution of arthropods. PaleorXiv, 4zmey, ver.4, peer-reviewed by PCI Paleo.
  • ARIA, C., ZHAO, F., ZHU, M. 2021. Fuxianhuiids are mandibulates and share affinities with total-group Myriapoda. Journal of the Geological Society, 178, jgs2020-246.
  • ARIA, C. 2020. Macroevolutionary patterns of body plan canalization in euarthropods. Paleobiology, 46: 569-593.
  • CARON, J.B., ARIA, C. 2020. The Collins’ monster, a spinous suspension‐feeding lobopodian from the Cambrian Burgess Shale of British Columbia. Palaeontology, 63: 979-994.
  • ZHAO, X., WANG, B., BASHKUEV, S.A., ARIA C., ZHANG, Q., ZHANG, H., TANG, W., ENGEL, M.S. 2020. Mouthpart homologies and life habits of Mesozoic long-proboscis scorpionflies. Science Advances, 6: eaay1259.
  • ARIA, C., ZHAO, F., ZENG, H., GUO, J., ZHU, M. 2020. Fossils from South China redefine the ancestral euarthropod body plan. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20:4.
  • ARIA, C, CARON, J.B. 2019. A middle Cambrian arthropod with chelicerae and proto-book gills. Nature, 573: 586-589.
  • ARIA, C. 2019. Reviewing the bases for a nomenclatural uniformization of the highest taxonomic levels in arthropods. Geological Magazine, 156: 1463-1468.
  • MAYERS, B., ARIA, C., CARON, J.B. 2019. Three new naraoiid species from the Burgess Shale, with a morphometric and phylogenetic reinvestigation of Naraoiidae. Palaeontology, 62: 19-50.
  • VANNIER, J., ARIA, C., CARON, J-B., TAYLOR, R. 2018. Waptia fieldensis Walcott, a mandibulate arthropod from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale biota. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 172206.
  • ARIA, C., CARON, J.B. 2017. Mandibulate convergence in an armoured Cambrian stem chelicerate. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17: 261.
  • ARIA, C., CARON, J.B. 2017. Burgess Shale fossils illustrate the origin of the mandibulate body plan. Nature, 545: 89-92.
  • CARON, J.B., ARIA, C. 2017. Suspension-feeding lobopodians and the early radiation of panarthropods. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17:29.
  • ARIA. C., CARON, J.B. 2015. Cephalic and limb anatomy of a new isoxyid from the Burgess Shale and the role of “stem bivalved arthropods” in the disparity of the frontalmost appendage. PLoS ONE, 10(6): e0124979.
  • ARIA, C., CARON, J.B., GAINES, R.R. 2015. A large new leanchoiliid from the Burgess Shale and the influence of inapplicable states on stem arthropod phylogeny. Palaeontology, 58(4): 629-660.
  • COTY, D., ARIA, C., GARROUSTE, R., WILLS, P., LEGENDRE, F., NEL, A. 2014. The first ant-termite syninclusion in amber with CT-Scan analysis of taphonomy. PLoS ONE, 9(8): e104410.
  • CARON, J.B., GAINES, R.R., ARIA, C., MANGANO, G., STRENG, M. 2014. A new phyllopod bed-like assemblage from the Burgess Shale of the Canadian Rockies. Nature Communications, 5: 3210.
  • NEL, A., ARIA, C., GARROUSTE, R., WALLER, A. 2012. Evolution and palaeosynecology of the Mesozoic earwigs (Insecta: Dermaptera). Cretaceous Research, 33: 189-195.
  • ARIA, C., PERRICHOT, V., NEL, A. 2011. Ponerinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Early Eocene amber of France. Zootaxa, 2870: 53–62.